
A collection of 15 posts

Sep 15, 2022

Zippedi doo

Zippedi doo

Do you think the owners have now lost it completely? Ziplines already exist in game..! > "I use them for travelling all the time" - Noone ever Well you better change that mindset because

Jul 7, 2022

Welcome July

Welcome July

Hey guys, For the first time we're running a custom "non procedural" map. We've done some exploring, but there's just sooo much to look at. I mean.. New wipe - new challenges, right.

Jun 20, 2022

Backpacks für alle

Backpacks für alle

Who isn't tired of getting their inventory full on a lovely loot run and having to choose on their way back home? *raises hand*. But yes, you read the header correctly! We're now

Jun 13, 2022

Economics update

Economics update

In our work of balancing this plugin we've now added a few things to the list of how you can get SVD. Please keep in mind that we're still working on this plugin

May 24, 2022

May - "Mid" wipe update

May - "Mid" wipe update

Hey guys! We're more than two weeks into wipe now and it's time for an update. A lot has happened this wipe and we have been working hard (a lot of it in

May 15, 2022

Things the server learnt

Things the server learnt

Hey guys! Thank you sooo sooo much for joining us to night. It was great to see that so many of you could show up to our "event". There has been quite a

May 5, 2022

Cash is king!

Cash is king!

Hey guys, This will probably be the biggest change in Sunset Valley history. Apart from scrap as a currency we will now be able to use Sunset Valley Dollars. Yes, we have added

Apr 27, 2022

Let's dance!

Let's dance!

Hey guys, Jeez, I know I'm spamming but there's just soooo much going on right now! Feel like dancing but don't own the DLC? Not an issue anymore. Everyone is welcome to dance

Mar 9, 2022

Raidable bases update

Raidable bases update

Since a lot of people have been raiding and the bases haven't been despawning/spawning in a good rate we have now made some changes. The raids will no longer be completed when

Feb 3, 2022

Goodbye January!

What a way to start the year - Anniversaries, custom monuments and new plugins! Let's have a look at what we all got up to for 2022's kick off wipe. We saw over