

Brad's workshop
28 posts
Jul 5, 2024

Crafting Changes

So you've got your job and are wondering what the hell you can do to level up. Amirite? First things first, let's get to know the crafting system a little bit. Who can

Jun 6, 2024

And now hell begins...

...of course I'm joking, I'm not going to throw you in the deep end just quite yet. Let's get to know each other a bit first. Post T Sunset V (PTSV) We're probably

Dec 7, 2023


Blink and you missed it, where the f did November go?! Well here we are in December, with Christmas on the horizon. Who's put up their tree? Gingerbread house? Well, we probably shouldn't

Nov 26, 2023

Relearning the game

"Huh?! A post from J? What's he want now?!" Retirement's not for everyone and there's usually a party right? (I'm sure there were a few celebrations at least). Likely some of you will

Apr 11, 2023

Clucking awesome UI updates

Clucking awesome UI updates

So it's been a while since we had a little update so here it goes.. Last wipe we were in a researching stage and we found some pretty cool things that we want

Jan 21, 2023

Stop calling monuments

Stop calling monuments

Wait what? Hold my beer? Are they drunk? Not really. We tell you guys to trust the process and we mean it. Every wipe we have the same reoccuring issue. People forget to

Jan 13, 2023

January wipe

January wipe

We're now a week into our lovely Birthwipe and things are running pretty smoothly if I may say so myself. We've had a few broken plugins and right now parachutes is the only

Jan 5, 2023

Happy New Year

Happy New Year

2022 was our first fully modded year! Go us! What a doozy it was. 2021 and early 2022 our main focus was to secure the PVE status as much as possible. We didn't

Dec 19, 2022

Stack UI

Stack UI

Nearly 1 whole year since I started on the plugin and a good few months since we implemented the stack update. Since then the server has stacked over 1,000,000,000,000*

Dec 5, 2022

Looking for something to do?

Looking for something to do?

Thank you for all of your donations over the past few months! They've really helped us to keep the server running and have enabled us to expand what Sunset Valley has to offer.

Nov 13, 2022

November Wipe

November Wipe

We now hope you've had a sneak peak at what will be our forever map. Yes, you read that correctly. In the long run, this will be our map that we will cherish,

Oct 6, 2022

October Wipe

October Wipe

October Wipe is minutes away! Patch + verify + await the server update But before that, we've got the SV institution of a wipely blog post with all the features, recaps and abuse you've come