

74 posts
Mar 2, 2023

February wipe summary

February wipe summary

Another month has gone by and 2023 is soon about to get a speeding ticket if you ask us. It was a really short wipe and if feels like we didn't even get

Feb 14, 2023

Happy Valentine's day!

Happy Valentine's day!

Since PowerPlant seems more frequently visited now and Junkyard finally got a date for Valentine's (and the fact that a lot of you were generous last wipe 😅) we would like to introduce another

Feb 5, 2023

Car radios!

Car radios!

Have you ever wanted to untz untz untz while driving around the map? Disturbing the neighbourhood late at night? Well gg's to your nextdoor neighbour (and everyone else on the island..) because your

Feb 2, 2023

January Wipe Summary

January Wipe Summary

January wipe has come to an end we've had a fun wipe and we're now looking forward to all of the new exciting content that February is gonna bring for us. This is

Jan 21, 2023

Stop calling monuments

Stop calling monuments

Wait what? Hold my beer? Are they drunk? Not really. We tell you guys to trust the process and we mean it. Every wipe we have the same reoccuring issue. People forget to

Jan 13, 2023

January wipe

January wipe

We're now a week into our lovely Birthwipe and things are running pretty smoothly if I may say so myself. We've had a few broken plugins and right now parachutes is the only

Jan 8, 2023

Vending machine refill

Vending machine refill

As for our previous post you know we've been modded for over a year now, we've added and removed a tonne of different plugins and personally, I've had A LOT of trial and

Jan 5, 2023

Happy New Year

Happy New Year

2022 was our first fully modded year! Go us! What a doozy it was. 2021 and early 2022 our main focus was to secure the PVE status as much as possible. We didn't

Dec 15, 2022

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

On the first day of Christmas... Yeah or.. Almost. The Christmas release is finally here and we thought we might do a little something for you guys as well tonight.. Sooo. When the

Dec 5, 2022

Looking for something to do?

Looking for something to do?

Thank you for all of your donations over the past few months! They've really helped us to keep the server running and have enabled us to expand what Sunset Valley has to offer.

Nov 13, 2022

November Wipe

November Wipe

We now hope you've had a sneak peak at what will be our forever map. Yes, you read that correctly. In the long run, this will be our map that we will cherish,

Oct 20, 2022

Darkness falls

Darkness falls

It's the moooost wonderfull tiiiiime of the.. What? No, that's not right! Or, well.. Soon enough, but first we have a lovely Halloween events to enjoy! What can we expect? The Frankenstien table