March 2, 2023

February wipe summary

February wipe summary

Another month has gone by and 2023 is soon about to get a speeding ticket if you ask us. It was a really short wipe and if feels like we didn't even get started until we're getting wiped again. We're now done trying out all of our industrial setups and and maybe we even have a few new ideas for next wipe to make it even more efficient..? 🤔

Thank you @Will for sharing on Discord

Lag fest

So... What happened during February? Apart from a lot of activity in our #ideas channel on Discord we've had our focus trying to resolve the lag issues we've been having. We did narrow down the issue to SV Nature being the seemingly biggest lag creator and we do got a potential fix. Unfortunately this has resulted in us not having Tiered Loot, SV Nature or our beloved XP scrolls for as much as we've wanted this wipe, BUT hopefully we will be able to bring back this fun content for you guys together with today's update. SV Nature might work slightly different though.

Map issues

Uncertain if most of you even noticed but we did have some issues with the map and things falling through but not despawning.. We also had some unfriendly Sunset Valleynauts under the map in O14 making life hard(er) for some shroom pickers!

Cargo monument calling bug

A lot of us have experienced calling and locking the last monument you were on while visiting certain areas of cargo. We've made the author of the plugin very aware of this and they are working on a fix, but unfortunately we don't have a set date.

Craft/stacking stats

How much are you guys crafting and stacking and using this amazing plugin that J has built for us? Turns out that it's A LOT which is super cool. Thank you and good job J for developing this amazing thing for us! It is truly amazing to be able to both craft the uncraftable and make our own god stacks!

Even we have to admit that 15 test gens are pretty impressive! 

Together with this, we've also gotten some brand new titles:

Absolutely amazing! Not to mention rainorcry being on top of soooo many challenges - good job!


Same as always, we have our most voted and active playtime titles. For the second month in a row for all three of these guys as well. Keep up the good work!

  • [UPVOTED] Will and Itachi for voting for our server the most
  • [CLINGY] rainorcry for topping the active playtime table

If you also want the very nice [UPVOTED] title, make sure you vote for us, your favourite PVE server 🫡

No prize money for Diet this month but we're sure he'll be back on top next month 😊


In February we tried to let you enjoy the amazing news of the industrial update that was launched by FacePunch. It took a while to get used to all the new items, but happily we did not encounter a forced BP wipe which seemed to be good news for most of you.

Sat Dish event

As a nice little Valentine's (death) gift from us to you guys we implemented the Sat Dish event for you guys to enjoy. You can read all about that one here or just go explore by yourself 😋

Other than that we have updated the following:

🆕 Car radio added

🆙 [SHOP] "Categories" added in kits

🆙 [SHOP] 11 new deco kits added

🆙 Junkyard Event: Timer increased to 5 min after locked crate has been looted

⏬ Junkyard Event: Nerfed Bradley crates to Elite crates

⏬ Junkyard Event: Nerfed Heli crates to Military crates

⏬ SV Nature: Animals will no longer be available 😢

🛠 SV Nature: MMB will no longer remove SV Nature items. Instead use /svpickup command in chat.


A big big thank you to Will, who have helped keep Sunset Valley going and keeping our content nice and fresh.

We Love Y'all!

Even though it may not always seem like it!

Help keep the Sun rising and setting in the Valley by clicking here

So grab your popcorn and enjoy the show!