
A collection of 5 posts

May 5, 2022

Cash is king!

Cash is king!

Hey guys, This will probably be the biggest change in Sunset Valley history. Apart from scrap as a currency we will now be able to use Sunset Valley Dollars. Yes, we have added

Apr 23, 2022

Update Raidable Bases

Update Raidable Bases

Hey guys, Loot tables It's been a few months since we updated the loot tables in our raidbases and I thought it was time for an update. This, mainly to balance out the

Mar 9, 2022

Raidable bases update

Raidable bases update

Since a lot of people have been raiding and the bases haven't been despawning/spawning in a good rate we have now made some changes. The raids will no longer be completed when

Dec 15, 2021

My First Plugin (Part 1)

My First Plugin (Part 1)

Hey, it's me Jay! "Whuhhhh?" I hear you all cry as you double take that it's not a post from Therily! Don't click away just yet, as I've got an update on what's

Dec 1, 2021

Raid bases

Raid bases

Since raidbases from now on will be more of an event than "just a raidbase". The bases will spawn and despawn automatically and the loot will now be (almost) completely randomized. How does