Welcome to November!
Hey guys and welcome to a whole new wipe!
We had a pretty chill start I would say. We got a new monument, the Abandoned Military Base in the south of the map - super exciting and I hope at least some of you have had the opportunity to visit it.
Max population was 36 during this evening and we only banned two guys that tried to disrupt the peace of our lovely Valley. Pretty sweet!
The new missile things.. Same rules as always apply here. If you hit a base or kill a player - that is a ban. Handle with care! They are great to recycle though!
So... What's up this wipe?
Week 1 We will start putting up raidbases for you guys to enjoy. Bet you are all pretty busy with farming.
Week 2 This weekend the Pyramid scavenger hunt will reappear in Sunset Valley. Good loot as always! More information will be released about this.
Week 3 My birthday weekend! This weekend will be something special - that's for sure! Bring your nicest outfit and join in on the fun!
Week 4 This will be the weekend of the PVP-event. This wipe it will be changed up a bit to make it a bit more fair for everyone to join in on the fun. More information will be released later this wipe.
T's thoughts
As many of you guys know I've been experiencing A LOT of issues with the host lately and unfortunately I don't see an end to this. Out of the 11 months I've had them as a host, I've only paid for 4. That's the extent of issues I've had. With that said I would like to share some super exciting news with you guys! I have started to migrate Sunset Valley to another host. This is taking some time and which is why I'm not online on the server as much as I used to. But have faith, it will be amazing! I am a bit sad that all of our Battlemetrics stats won't follow (since it's connected to the server IP) but I have been thinking about this for a while and now it's time. And... We will get back to the top, right? The server will be launched together with next wipe - which is also a forced blueprint wipe which makes it the perfect time to do it. I will of course keep you updated on the progress throughout this wipe. I understand if you have questions. They will be answered - in time.
Yours truly,