November 22, 2021

Omg, you guys!

Omg, you guys!

I would like to thank each and every one of you in person for making this probably the coolest birthday in my 25 year old (with a few years of experience...) life. We had a lot of fun events this weekend and thank you for joining in. It

Build off

We had three participants taking part of the build off and in the end it was our favorite uncle, @paulwilliams23, who claimed the winning trophy - eternal glory for the rest of the wipe - with his contribution below. Great job, all of you!


Moving on to the raid off. The challenge was getting through a base and being the first to get hold of an item (carved pumpkin with a very pretty balloon on it). The only catch was I only spawned in explo and incend ammo for them to use... @Itachi slayed their base completely anyway and ended up winning his event.


In the evening we had some players join in on our "last man standing" event. Shoot the twig floor and try to get your opponents to fall down. @Jaybee3 was our first winner (we used bows and arrows) but after that we had a lot of different weapons and winners.

Taking Heli(s!)

Started off clearing loil with bows and arrows and ending up destroying three helis. Good job, guys!  

From the left: Jaybee3, dead scientist legs, Therily, paulwilliams23 and TheClosetPanda

Taking Bradley

And since heli wasn't enough we went over to launch site and took down Brad with explo ammo. It took a few minutes and he did not approve at all. In the end we got the big boom that we wanted and he admitted defeat.

And since I'm not even sure which one is which here (well except for Jaybee3..) the rest of is is still TheClosetPanda, paulwilliams23 and me. 

And last but definitely not least..

This was so nice of you guys! I can't believe you got together and did all of this. Special thanks to @IzzyGotOfflined, @Sssenpaiii and @TheClosetPanda for building and making this happen (if I forgot anyone - I'm so sorry, please let me know!).

Also, thanks to all of you that took the time to send messsages and notes for me to read. Yes, I admit. I cried. Like a baby. You guys make it so easy for me to continue doing this. Thank you! From the bottom of my heart!

So thank you all for making my birthday weekend a memory for life <3
