Happy Valentine's day!

Since PowerPlant seems more frequently visited now and Junkyard finally got a date for Valentine's (and the fact that a lot of you were generous last wipe 😅) we would like to introduce another event to you guys. It's time to pack your backpacks, bring that launcher and head to Sat Dish! It might not be the ideal date that you wished for, but hey - you take what you get, right? #grub

Sat Dish event

Yes, you read that right! Sat Dish will finally get the recognition and appreciation it so very much deserves. Finally, right?

Men in bl.. white?

Event start

Places people! On your markers! There is a production of Return of the Hapis Undead taking place in Satellite Dish! Better hurry up and be there in 300 seconds! When the count down is done some extra crates and some bad boys will appear in Sat Dish along with Thad (😅) and a cage with the Hapis Undead biological weapons. Ready? Action!

Save your ammo... 😏

Locked crate

A Chinook is on it's way to drop a locked crate as well as picking up the Hapis Undead. After it has dropped the crate it will land and the undead will start to board. As soon as it has picked up all the zombies the Chinook will leave and fly off the map.


If you kill at least one zombie, you will interrupt the set and an alarm will set off. This can be ended by answering the phone within 10 seconds (but why would you do that, since this is where the fun begins..).

Arrival of (another) Thad

If you don't stop the alarm and continue ruining the set, the boss will send reinforcements in the very nice shape of Thad (and maybe a few more guards)... He might or might not be worse than regular Brad (lol, we all know what it's gonna be like, right?) and we're sure you Chads can do it!

Wiiiiii I'm flyyying!
That's the spirit!

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